Thursday, 18 July 2019

Take your pick

Friday morning started like a normal day here in Dundee. The Spanish students met in the Tinsmith. In spite of having already arrived from the Highlands we had the stay until 2:30. Gavin and Kira planed a surprise for us. We were going to pick strawberries, blueberries, and all other berries..

Of course, all the fruit that we had collected was going to be for our families, host families! If we put them in our luggage back to Spain they would turn into juice.

After that we came back to Dundee and went to the VnA which is the most famous museum in Dundee. The building is incredible, very modern and cool but the expositions that were inside weren't so attractive.

When we finished our visit and came out the building it was raining , well pouring! We had to run to get to the uni in time. Once at the uni we did some blog work, like the one you are reading right now. This afternoon we are going to see watch Nadal´s match so we hope he wins!!

Alfredo and Nacho.

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