Wednesday, 20 July 2022



Differently than other days, on Tuesday we met at the train station. We went by train to Glasgow and arrived around twelve o'clock.

We had a coffee in Glasgow's Council square and then we tried to visit the Council, but a Bollywood movie was being filmed there.

Afterwards, we went to Glasgow's Modern Arts museum, which was very interesting and beautiful. What we enjoyed the most was an Andy Warhol painting.

Later on, we had a walk around the main streets and went to the underground. It is called the Clockwork Orange, as there is only one circled line and the trains are tiny and orange. We arrived at the other side of the city, and we went to Kelvingrove.

Kelvingrove is a beautiful art museum, the outside looks like a giant palace and has beautiful gardens. while the inside is full of interesting rooms. On the ground floor one room is dedicated to Egyptian art, another one to Scottish art and another one has stuffed animals. But what we enjoyed the most was the first floor: it had big rooms full of well-known paintings of artists like Picasso, Rembrandt, Monet, Cezanne or Van Gogh. There was also supposed to be a Dali painting but, sadly, it was in an exposition in New Zealand.

Finally, we went to Glasgow's University. It is a beautiful castle-like building where some of the Harry Potter

Sorry Folks thats it!

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