Tuesday, 27 June 2023

First day in Dundee.

On the fist day, we met all of us in Gallery 48. Some of us had breakfast and others hadn't because they had already had breakfast in their new houses.

Then we went to Queen's Hotel because last year place (DUSA) was under restoration because they found Asbestos behind the walls. It was a shame that we couldn't go to DUSA since they had pool tables and lovely installations. Though the Queens Hotel was nice and very near the centre.

At midday, we went shopping for some sleeping masks - it is light nearly all the night in Dundee.. We went to Primark because we thought that we could find cheap and good variety of them.

After that, we went to a charity shop, the British Heart Foundation, where we bought little books to read during our stay.

At lunch time we went beside the V&A Museum and had our snacks there. We had awesome views of the river Tay.

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