Thursday, 13 July 2023



Martina Gutiérrez
Sara Guaita


We had a mini bus to go to the highlands, it was so nice because we could be with our music and talking without disturbing anyone. Except for the adults because they didn't like our music! 

 We stopped a few times, and one was at Loch Ness Locks - where we saw boats going through the locks, rising to another level. Unfortunately we were caught in downpour but we managed to enjoy the views with our coats

Our next stop was at Loch Ness where we visited a beautiful castle that was in ruins and the famous "lake". We searched for Nessie but  we weren't that lucky.
Finally we arrived at the hostel, we left our bags and went for dinner to an Indian Restaurant. Food was tried by us, it was so nice to eat new things from a different culture. Everything was so good!


At the end of day we played some pool and we chatted until
4 am!

We woke up at 9:30 and went to a café to have breakfast of rolls filled with various breakfast items. Then we took mini bus and we went to Loch Morlich, which also had a beach. There we did some canoeing.


 It was so much fun, even though the water was freezing. 

The adults had a surprise for us, they drove to a golf club to practice our swings! Surprisingly we managed to hit some balls, except for one of us, Mateo, who has played before - so was not bad.  
After a long day, some people had dinner at McDonalds and others went to Taco Bell. It was a fantastic journey, where we did a lot of activities with our mates. 


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